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Книги - Африканская охота -

Between the Congo River and the White Nile (Ltd)

Tony S?nchez-Ari?o
with notes on Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea-Conakry, Rwanda, Somalia, and Urundi
Price: EUR 118,-
2015 Long Beach, 330pp, profuse color and black/white photos, maps
ISBN: 978-1-57157-442-8
Binding: 6x9, hardcover
Limitation: Ltd. edn. of 1,000 signed, numbered, & slipcased copies
Series: This is volume 80 in the Safari Press’s Classics in African Hunting Series.
Between the Congo River and the White Nile, he takes us to those remote corners of the old Belgian Congo (later Zaire and now DRC), Gabon, Sudan, Uganda, Ubangi-Shari (C.A.R.), and, although not in the same geographical area as the others, Somalia where he hunted in Oltre Giuba, which spreads out from the Juba River to Somalia’s border with Kenya. These countries cover the heart of Africa, and this vast area truly was a paradise for hunters and explorers until the 1980s. Unfortunately, times have changed radically from when Tony first began to hunt in Africa in the 1950s. Political problems and rampant, nonstop poaching are the norm these days. When the “Winds of Change” took away everything, only malignant forces, the forces for evil, were left: poaching and the destruction of all wildlife and their habitat, political turbulence, government irresponsibility, corruption, and insecurity on all levels. Tony has had a lifetime of hunting experiences since he wet his feet for the first time in the Congo and White Nile Rivers, but his memories are still very much alive. He remembers everything as if it had happened yesterday. In 1959 southern Sudan had marvelous hunting, for there were amazing quantities of wild animals even on the outskirts of Juba, the capital. One needed only to cross the White Nile from the left to the right bank, which Tony did by using a ferry called the Atbara. On taking the highway north to Mongalla, Tony saw hartebeests and oribis so abundant he thought them to be a plague. Another of Tony’s favorite places was the Karpeto district, which is halfway between Juba and Nimule on the border with Uganda and on the left bank of the White Nile. He arrived there in time to see great herds of elephants covering entire plains that looked in the distance like one massive movement of elephants. Without exaggeration, he saw hordes of more than five hundred elephants, and the biggest one that he hunted there was an old male whose long and beautiful tusks weighed 104 and 97 pounds each (47 and 44 kilos). The years have only added to Tony’s repertoire of adventures, and this new tome contains the reminiscences of some of his best-ever exploits and escapades. Between the Congo River and the White Nile is a true classic in the making.
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